How to earn Money from Facebook and YouTube -
घर बैठकर फेसबुक और यूट्यूब से पैसे कैसे कमाए | How to earn money sitting at home from Facebook and YouTube How to Earn Money Facebook Earn Money YouTube and Earn Money orders Platform
नमस्कार दोस्तों आज हम आपको एक ऐसे app के बारे में बताएंगे जहां से आप बहुत ज्यादा Paise कमा सकते हैं आप इसमें आराम से घर बैठकर काम करके काफी ज्यादा Earn more Money जा सकता है आपको कुछ स्टेप फॉलो करने होंगे उसके बाद में आपको पैसे मिलने शुरू हो जाएंगे और आपको इसमें जो कंपनी पैसा देगी वह काफी ज्यादा फेमस है आपको कंपनी के नाम बता देता हूं कंपनी जो आपको पैसे देंगे उसका नाम है फेसबुक और दूसरी कंपनी का नाम है YouTube तो आपको पता चल गया होगा कि आप Facebook and YouTube से पैसे कमा सकते हैं आपको इस पोस्ट में इसके बारे में ही बताएंगे.
अपना चैनल बनाएं, वीडियो अपलोड करें और अपने वीडियो से कमाई करने के लिए दर्शक जुटाएँ।
अपने वीडियो से हर क्लिक पर पैसे कमाने के लिए Google AdSense सेट करें और YouTube के अलावा अन्य जगहों पर उनका विपणन करें।
- Create your channel, upload videos, and gain an audience to monetize your videos.
- Set up Google AdSense to make money per click from your videos and market them in places other than YouTube.
- If you have at least 4,000 watch hours in the previous year, over 1,000 subscribers, and a linked AdSense, you can join the YouTube Partner Program.
- YouTubers make money through advertisements. It does not matter how many videos your video itself has or how many subscribers you have.
- You will not receive money from viewers who have the AdBlock extension because it stops ads from playing. You will receive money from those who have YouTube premium, however.
- Age-restricted videos are not eligible for monetization. This is why YouTubers tend to filter out profanity or mature content to prevent their video from becoming age-restricted.
- YouTube is very strict about copyright. Since you are generating revenue, "fair use" does not apply so you must have permission from the copyright holder to use their content.
- Try to upload content that is high quality and isn't super long. This option can vary depending on what type of content you decide to upload. The more engaging your content, the better your chances at earning money on YouTube.
- Even if your content isn't great at first, keep at it. Practice makes perfect. Try to make each video better than the last. You will often learn as you go.
- Improve your content by either using a better camera or trying better editing software or techniques. Also try to improve the way things are filmed. Use a tripod, have a friend help you or light your scenes better. It all helps for a better end product which in turn helps you get a better audience. If you don't want to buy bright white lights, you can sit near a sunny window, or do it outside.
- By uploading content regularly, you can help hold an audience, which can help you earn money. People are more likely to subscribe if you add content regularly.
- Make sure to tag your videos with keywords that describe the content, as well as an eye-catching description. These will help drive people to your video from YouTube searches.